Mine Rescue Lesson: Just Say 'Don't Know'
Well, DUH!
MAD Function: adjective 1: disordered in mind: INSANE 2a: completely unrestrained by reason and judgment b: incapable of being explained or accounted for 3: carried away by intense anger: FURIOUS 4: carried away by enthusiasm or desire 5: affected with rabies: RABID 6: marked by wild gaiety and merriment: HILARIOUS 7: intensely excited: FRANTIC 8: marked by intense and often chaotic activity: WILD Excerpted from http://m-w.com/dictionary/mad
Hi, MSB. So, who are ya, and where ya from?
I'll comment, but first I gotta know...who are ya, and where ya from?
I'm another anonymous blogger... I am from Houston, Republic of Texas, getting close to becoming a "senior citizen", but I don't ever intend to act my age. I'd prefer to remain anonymous as far as that is possible in case I get mad enough to say something that might cause someone to come looking for me. I'm not concerned about OFFENDING anyone, since SOME people can be offended if you say "Good Morning".
I hope that helps. Glad to have you here!
Don't Know
Did I do good, mad soapboxer? Followed your link from Dave's blog.
Nice to meet you!
I'm stupid! Didn't notice the link in your post. Maybe my big brother is right, I have no brains.
Sorry about my stupid comment before, mad.
Yeah Rock, ya done good! Followed the title's instructions and all, found the blog, successfully posted a comment, nothing stupid about any of that. So what is your brother on you about? Jealous cuz HE can't do any of that? Heh heh....
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